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Showing posts from July, 2013

The not-so 'one year working holiday'; Travel memories of Italy to plan for my future ;)

Continuing our epic Euro-travels of 2012/13 we have just celebrated, rather enthusiastically, the 12 month mark of what started out as a fixed 'one year  working holiday'.. enthusiastic, perhaps as it culminated in my throwing in my longstanding job back home and deciding I wasn't ready to go back; not literally nor figuratively, at least not yet anyway! Rather than a whimsical act of defiance after a few too many champagnes, this was more a gradual, somewhat inevitable decision and one that was not taken lightly... but as for so many of the wanderlust inclined, this journey has become so much more than the destination.. and there are only so many self-fulfilling prophecies I can google and then filter photos of on instagram to make me realise what I knew all along.. that if you are in love with cities you've never been and with people you've never met (as well as your new husband who wasn't going home either ;) then in the end you will only regret the chances ...